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Resumen de Teaching to Enhance Problem Solving:: It's More than the Numbers

Amy J. Phelps

  • There is a gap between the algorithmic problem solving abilities of chemistry students and their conceptual understanding of the chemistry. This gap persists because many chemistry instructors allow students to hide their lack of conceptual understanding behind correct numerical answers. If the goal of chemistry instruction is to have students think about and solve conceptual problems as well as algorithmic problems then the approach to chemistry instruction must change. This is a report of a study where an attempt was made to bridge the gap between the concepts and algorithms by altering the instructional method in general chemistry. This approach emphasized conceptual problem solving in the initial phase of a concept. The approach was implemented simultaneously in general chemistry courses designed for science majors and non-science majors. The study provided some interesting data with regard to the response of science majors and non-science majors to this conceptually oriented instructional approach. These responses provide some interesting insight into the ways in which the two groups of students have been socialized with regard to science.

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