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Resumen de Emakume pilotariak: gure taldea, gure ordua

Uxue Fernández Lasa, Oidui Usabiaga Arruabarrena, Julen Castellano Paulis

  • English

    Participation in sports and physical activity promotes and enhances social networks. Furthermore, these relationships are important for women to participate. In this report we present the main points that emerged from an ethnographic study of the social relationships thatplaying Basque pelota can provide. The study was carried out on a sample of adult women, players in the area of recreation. The results suggest that the sense of community and teammembership are the most important aspects for players. The sense of belonging to their groupis the fundamental reason why they practise this sport. Female pelotaris share the desire torelate to each other both on the field and off.

  • euskara

    Kirol eta jarduera fisikoetan aritzeak sare sozialak ehundu, ugaritu eta/edo indartzen laguntzen du. Erlazio horiek, gainera, garrantzitsuak dira emakumeen parte-hartzean. Artikulu honetan, etnografia-lana gauzatuz, aisialdiko emakumezko pilotari helduen testuinguruko erlazioak aztertu dira. Komunitate- zein taldeizaerarenitzal luzea azaleratu da emaitzetan, jardueraren muinean baitaudepilotarien arteko harremanen garrantzia eta beharra. Gutar izatearen sentimendua eta elkarrekiko loturen estutasuna eta irmotasuna ere nabarmendu dira, kantxan nahiz bertatik kanpoko jardueretan. Pilotarientzat talde-sentimenduak pisu handia du, jarduerarekiko zein kideekiko atxikimendura bideratzen baitute euren aisialdiko pilotako jarduna.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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