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Resumen de El tratamiento lexicográfico de de toute façon, de quelque façon y d'une certaine façon en el DEC

Ana Llopis Cardona

  • In this paper, I will examine the entries of the discourse markers de quelque façon, d'une certaine façon and de toute façon of the Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain (V.III) that Igor Mel'cuk leaded in the University of Montréal. I will propose to apply the existing format of the lexies non descriptives found in the IV volume to the definition of these discourse markers. I will start with a linguistic description of these discourse markers in different levels. I will also explain the main aspects about macrostructure: de quelque façon and d'une certaine façon are recorded in different entries, but the first will take sends to the second, so there is only one definition for both markers. On the other hand, a semantic building can be established between d'une certaine façon and de toute façon. Afterwards, I will analyze the aspects related to microstructure, namely: definition, lexical function and examples. The existing definition is a synonymous expression which is different from the typical definition of the DEC not only for the lexies descriptives but also for the lexies non descriptives found in the IV volume. With regard to the lexical function, several kinds of synonymy and antonymy are pointed out in the entries d'une certaine façon and de toute façon. The given expressions given of the lexical functions provide copious material to explore the differences between these discourse markers. In conclusion, I note that the DEC is more appropriate for units that work in sentences, not in the discourse level; because the theoretical framework of the DEC was built to get the replacement of words and idiomatic expressions, but this system cannot deal with discourse markers. In addition, this lexicographical treatment doesn't include any pragmatic or communicative features, crucial to achieve a good description of these units.

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