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Resumen de Productive and reproductive performance of dual-purpose cows in two systems of suckling in the tropics

P. Perez, F. Solaris, Miguel Garcia-Winder, Mario M. Osorio Arce, Jaime Gallegos Sánchez

  • With the objective of finding an alternative management to improve the reproductive and productive efficiencyof dual-purpose Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows in a tropical environment, 20 adult, ¾ Brown Swiss x ¼ Cebu cows were assigned to two treatments: traditional suckling (AT; n = 10) and delayed suckling (AR; n = 10). In AT, three quarters were milked mechanically and one quarter was left for the calf; after milking, the calf remained with its mother for 7 h. Cows in AR were milked completely and a suckling period of 1 h took place 8 h after milking. Estrus was detected twice daily, with the help of a bull with a deviated penis. Milk production and liveweight of the calves and cows were recorded every 7 and 15 days, respectively. Statistical analysis utilized the t-test for samples of independent populations; a model of fixed effects without interaction, with suckling management and number of parturition as the principal effects; and Chi-square. The number of cows observed in estrus was greater (P.05) were found in rate of weight gain of the calves (637 ± 200 vs. 724 ± 100 g/d), in milk obtained mechanically (4.4 ± 1.5 vs. 5.1 ± 1.3 kg/d), or in liveweight change of the dams (-0.221 ± 0.2 vs -0.115 ± 0.3 kg/d) between AT and AR, respectively. Total milk production in AR exceeded (P

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