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Resumen de O projeto enquanto jogo: colaboração digital livre?

Gilfranco Alves, Anja Pratschke

  • The paper will present one specific aspect of the PhD research called Cibersemiótica e Processos de Projeto: Metodologia em Revisão, funded by FAPESP, which in turn is linked to the Nomads.usp research group of the University of São Paulo. The paper discusses aspects of digital design processes within an approach on social collaboration with digital mediation, from concepts based on Actor Network Theory, developed by the French Philosopher Bruno Latour, Swarm Behaviour, which is observed in nature, as well as the Multi-Agent Systems.

    The paper aims to examine collaborative procedures and hybrid design methods involving several actors or players, trying to redefine the possibilities of conception in Architecture with a bottom-up approach, considering the concept of game applied to digital design processes.

Fundación Dialnet

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