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Resumen de Updating the organization MAN: : an examination of involved fathering in the workplace

Jamie J. Ladge, Beth K. Humberd, Marla Baskerville Watkins

  • While the organization man was once synonymous with being an �ideal worker� who prioritized work over family, men's increased involvement in childrearing has changed the meaning and value placed on fatherhood. Little, however, is known about how this �involved fathering� shapes identities, work experiences, and work-related outcomes for fathers. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative studies, we explore the complexities associated with how men experience fatherhood in the context of their work, and examine workplace and professional norms that may inhibit them from being the kinds of involved fathers they espouse a desire to be. We find that involved fathering has positive work-related outcomes that can benefit organizations. More involved fathers experience greater job satisfaction and work�family enrichment and less work�family conflict, and they are less likely to think about quitting their jobs. Although we find that more involved fathers have lowered career identity, this is offset by perceived managerial support. Our findings offer important practical insights into the benefits of fostering supportive workplaces for fathers.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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