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Resumen de Management of Interdental Papillae Loss With Forced Eruption, Immediate Implantation, and Root-Form Pontic

Chiao-Dih Lin, Shih-Shuh Chang, Chao-Sheng Liou, De-Rei Dong, Earl Fu

  • Correspondence: Dr. Earl Fu, Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Tri-Service General Hospital and National Defense Medical Center, P.O. Box 90048-507, Taipei, Taiwan. Fax: 886-2-87927145; e-mail: dentalab@tpts5.seed.net.tw.

    Background: A 25-year-old Asian woman complained of an unesthetic black triangle between her upper right front teeth. Defective interdental papillae may result from external root resorption, which makes esthetic restoration more difficult. A combined use of forced eruption, immediate implant placement, and a root-form pontic made a successful esthetic and functional restoration.

    Methods: The treatment sequences of this patient included short-term forced eruption, subsequent immediate implant placement after tooth extraction, and a provisional root-form pontic restoration. A final prosthesis was completed 6 months later, followed by clinical maintenance.

    Results: Papillae were augmented by forced eruption. After immediate implantation and root-form pontic placement had been performed, the peri-implant soft and hard tissues were manipulated and maintained in a stable state.

    Conclusions: We successfully reconstructed the interdental papillae and replaced the deficient tooth with an immediate implantation. During 2 years of follow-up, the implant and peri-implant structures remained stable and healthy.

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