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Resumen de Digital Asset Management

James E.P. Currall, Michael S. Moss

  • Managing digital assets in any context is neither simple nor straightforward and demands a level of investment unfamiliar to archivists and librarians in an analogue environment. This entry explains that in meeting this challenge information professionals should build on their previous experience in managing collections in the analogue and not be swayed into believing that the digital represents a paradigm shift in curatorial practice. The authors emphasize the importance of persistence of curatorial practices of appraisal and selection in the digital and warn against the supposed attraction of what appear to be all embracing solutions in capturing and preserving content. They argue that the approach will depend, just as in the analogue, on the organization's goals, responsibilities, and size. A library in a well-endowed research-led university will have very different needs, objectives, and resources than a liberal arts college or a municipal public library. The distinction between “born digital” and digitized objects is explored. The authors insist that, although all digital objects can be reduced to a bit pattern, every genre has very different ontological characteristics that, as in the analogue, demand different approaches in their management and curation. They conclude by emphasizing that the management of digital assets, like every other asset, must be integral to an institution's strategic goals with appropriate allocation of resource supported by a well-articulated business case. For ease of reference the entry is divided into three sections, managing assets, challenges, and management with useful references

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