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Resumen de Un rilievo di Pietro Paolo Olivieri con la "Creazione di Eva" e appunti sul leonardismo a Roma alla fine del Cinquecento

Lorenzo Principi

  • Pietro Paolo Olivieri's "Leonardism" in relief depicting the Creation of Eve.

    The article proposes that a marble relief depicting the Creation of Eve, previously thought to be by Pierino da Vinci due to its Leonardo-like style, should be attributed to the sculptor Pietro Paolo Olivieri (1551ca.-1599), who worked in the principal sculpture workshops of Rome between the pontificates of Gregory XIII and Clement VIII.

    Starting with a coherent stylistic comparision with a "tondo" of Saint John the Baptist in the desert, signed by Olivieri and held in the Palazzo Madama in Turin, before moving on to a new analysis of the literary homage the sculptor wrote for his "maestro" Guglielmo Della Porta, where Olivieri points up his interest in the art of Leonardo da Vinci, the stages in the formation of this neglected artist in the second half of the 16th centruy in Rome are re-examined.

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