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Resumen de Ammonoideos del Ladiniense en la Unidad de Cabo Cope (Zonas Internas, Cordillera Bética)

Antonio Goy Goy, Alberto Diego Pérez López, Fernando Pérez Valera

  • In the Cabo Cope Unit (Maláguide Complex, W Aguilas, Murcia), two members have been distinguished within the Triassic Unit. The lower member consists of detritic deposits with interbedded gypsum. The upper member is composed of carbonates. A level containing ammonoids has been found at 21 m above the base of the upper member. Due to the inusual presence of fossils of this taxonomic group in the whole Malaguide Complex, their study has a special biochrnostratigraphical and palaeogeography relevance. The studied fossils belong to Clydonitaceae, Trachyceratidae, of the genus Anolcite Mojsisovics, 1893. This genus which has a wide biogeographical distribution in Alpine Europe, Balkans, Himalaya and North America, has been recognised here for the first time in the Betic Cordillera. The tipe species A. doleriticus (Mojsisovics, 1882) which was defined in the Upper Ladinian of Southern Alps, is present in the Cabo Cope section. This presence allows suppsition that during the Upper Ladinia, a Palaeogeographic connection between the suotheastern domain of the Betic Cordillera and the Theys Province existed.

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