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Resumen de The Correlation of Binary Acid Strengths with Molecular Properties in First-Year Chemistry.

Travis D. Fridgen

  • This article deals with the rather complicated if not incorrect way that the strengths of binary acids are rationalized to students in many classrooms owing to the way it is presented in first-year chemistry textbooks. The common explanations, which use the homolytic bond dissociation energy as a rationalization of the trend in acid strengths when going down a group in the periodic table and the difference in electronegativity when going across a period, are contradictory and are replaced by one explanation for all binary acids. The present explanation uses a Born�Haber cycle involving homolyic bond dissociation energies, electron affinities, and ion solvation enthalpies to rationalize the trends observed in the acid strength of all binary acids whether going across a period or down a group in the periodic table, all which are concepts typically presented to students prior to the acidity concept.

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