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Resumen de Giulio Clovio e la 'escuela escurialense' di miniatura

Elena de Laurentiis

  • Giulio Clovio and the 'escuela escurialense' of illumination.

    The author reconstructs the relationship between Giulio Clovio's works and Spain at the time of Philip II and examines some aspects of the planning of the sriptorium of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. In particular, he highlights how the 'escuela escurialense' of illumination, as well as large decorative frescoes and much of the collection of paintings of the monastery, has been influenced by Italian models, and mainly by the artworks -miniatures, drawings and etchings- by Giulio Clovio. The author reconstructs the history of some illuminations by Clovio that once stood in El Escorial and, in particular, he clarifies the origin of the "Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and St. John the Baptist", performed by the illuminator around 1553, when he was in Florence, and now preserved in the Lázaro Galdiano Museum in Madrid. Finally, he transcribes an important letter from the Duchess of Alba, a collector of Clovio, which does not appear among the sources of the artist.

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