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Resumen de Antoine Trouvéon, un portraitiste de Leonor d'Autriche récemment découvert

Annemarie Jordan Gschwend

  • A version of a paper presented in 2005 to the annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Painter Antoine Trouvéon was sent by Leonor of Austria to paint her daughter in Lisbon in 1542. Leonor of Austria, the eldest sister and a favorite of Emperor Charles V, was Queen of Portugal and of France. A document dated 1543 shows Trouvéon calling himself painter to the queen. He arrived in Portugal in January 1542 as part of a special diplomatic mission to secure the marriage of Leonor's daughter, Maria of Portugal, with the dauphin Henri. Trouvéon spent at least eight months in Portugal. Any oil portraits he may have painted of Maria have not survived. However, two drawings of Maria, here attributed to him, are in the Musée Condé; these were previously attributed to Portuguese painter Gregório Lopes, though letters by Luis de Sarmiento contradict this.

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