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Resumen de Les stations nouvelles du Languedoc-Roussillon: Un patrimoine balnéaire, image exemplaire des Trente Glorieuses

Jean-François Pinchon

  • In France, the new seaside resorts created in Languedoc-Roussillon between 1963 and 1982 are an exemplary image of the “Thirty Glorious Years.” In 1963, an interdepartmental mission for the development of the Languedoc-Roussillon coastline resulted in five new seaside resorts being built. Each had a capacity of 50,000 tourist beds. This group of housing developments with inspired architecture is the product of a determined political stance that, in a single action, decisively colonized 180 kilometers of coast. The area was divided into tourist components exclusively reserved for the leisure of the “greatest number.” The Languedoc coast, with its series of new towns exclusively devoted to rest, leisure, and recreational sports, raises the question: Are these developments what is presently called “new heritage” or should they be considered as mere objects of consumption destined for obsolescence.

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