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Resumen de "Il cherchait à en faire surgir quelque chose qui ne s'y trouvait pas"* De l'iconographie au paysage musical dans les illustrations des Poèmes d'Ossian par Philipp Otto Runge

Julie Ramos

  • A discussion of Philipp Otto Runge's illustrations for a German translation of the Poems of Ossian. The illustrations were commissioned in 1804 by Hamburg publisher Friedrich Perthes for a translation by Count Friedrich Leopold von Stolberg. As an artist, Runge was constantly concerned with taking the first steps toward a “new art” but he never attained its realization. His Ossian illustrations reflect this. He attempted to inscribe Ossian in the dawn of a modern art of the landscape, an idea that broke with his classical training and provoked the incomprehension of his patrons. Stolberg rejected Runge's initial drawings of the three heroes on the grounds that they were pantheistic.

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