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Resumen de O efeito pigmaleão: Bernard Shaw e as releituras de os simpsons

Sílvia Maria Guerra Anastácio, Célia Nunes Silva

  • português

     http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7968.2014v1n33p287Este artigo surgiu do interesse de estudar o efeito Pigmaleão e o modo como esse tema tem se modificado ao longo do tempo. Busca-se investigar como o mito do Pigmaleão teria dado origem a uma variedade de hipertextos que ressignificam esse objeto de análise, especialmente na mídia contemporânea, em que os episódios das séries da animação Os Simpsons dialogam

  • English

    This article has arisen from the interest to study the Pygmalion effect and how this theme has changed through time. The aim is to investigate how the myth of Pygmalion would have given rise to a variety of hypertexts that reframe such object of analysis, especially in contemporary media, in which episodes of the animated series The Simpsons dialogue with a masterpiece by Bernard Shaw. Thus, the following questions arise: How do the episodes Pygmoelian and My Fair Laddy reinterprete the sign of the old Pygmalion myth? Which effects are used to reframe this myth for contemporary viewers? And which ideological issues would motivate such reinterpretations of the Greek myth?

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