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Resumen de Languaging virtual encounters with art during foreign language lessons: theoretical and practical implications

Marek Krawiec

  • The following article discusses one of the ways of channelling art in foreign language classes. In the theoretical part it presents main assumptions and theories of scholars about virtual space and its role in modern educational practices. The material presented in this part also highlights views about art education and enumerates effects of familiarising students with culture, art and aesthetic values. The second part of the article provides a detailed description of language work with the artistic component displayed in virtual space and recognises consequences of learning/teaching art and artistic expression in this form.

    The article illustrates the point in question by describing a series of undertakings of students from the Complex of Secondary Schools No. I in Krotoszyn as well as by quoting their opinions and views about the proposed lesson. The presented evidence about virtual encounters with art in the English class is supported in this article also by the reflections of teachers and researchers participating in a workshop during an international conference in Krotoszyn and by the opinions of seminar students from Wroclaw. The form of work suggested here encourages people to employ their linguistic predispositions and to comprehend the surrounding reality on their own through certain resources available to them. It therefore matches the concept of languaging which is the main theme of this volume. The idea of languaging is present in the following account in which students' abilities of using a language, combining real-life experiences, making personal sense of the world and interpreting elements of reality in a more holistic way are particularly emphasised.

    Languaging therefore needs to be seen as an integral part of the proposed form of lesson which generally allows learners to be more perceptive, interpretative, creative and knowledgeable.

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