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Resumen de Sedimentología, tafofacies e icnocenosis de las parasecuencias albienses de rampa carbonatada externa en el Prebético de Alicante (Serra Gelada)

Alice Giannetti, Jesús E. Caracuel, Jesús Miguel Soria Mingorance, Alfonso Yébenes Simón

  • Sedimentology, taphonomy and ichnology of Albian parasequences of the Serra Gelada (Prebético de Alicante) are studied in order to reconstruct the sedimentary environment evolution represented in each sequence. The Albian stratigraphic succession is made up of shallowing-upwards parasequences deposited in the general context of a carbonate outer shelf affected by unidirectional currents. Different lithofacies, taphofacies and ichnocoenosis had been defined. On the base of the integrated analysis of all these three sort of data, we have established five main intervals in the parasequences and have refined its paleoenvironmental meaning. For its richness and diversity, the trace fossil assemblages represent a highly illustrative example of ethology response of infauna to changes in water energy related to the sea-level changes at parasequence order.

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