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Resumen de Liderazgo en la hoteleria de Mazatlan.

Beatriz López

  • In this paper modern administrative models are proposed of leadership styles that require managers of companies in the hotel industry for the competitive development of organizations. For this an approach is made to hospitality through an exploratory research and theoretical review documentary that leads us to review the development of leadership in organizations, from the management theories, theories of motivation and leadership theories, of which important aspects are rescued to guide and to know the new perspectives of the leadership styles that exist in the hotel industry in today globalized context of the XXI century facilitating the performance of the leader and collaborators, the development of the organizations, its subsistence besides of maintaining competitiveness in the market. To take again the new perspectives of the leadership styles implies to leave behind old models in which the employee were visualized as a mechanic entity reaching a new stage where a need humanized way of leadership is conceived. For the above, the old administrative standards used in older eras have to be overpassed, regarding that certainly at the time, were probably on par with the demands of those times and were effective as to what was needed. It is important to mention that leadership has evolved through different emerging methods that are going to be exposed throughout this document.

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