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Resumen de Construcción de un instrumento para medir el grado de asociatividad entre los procesos colaborativos y la innovación en las PyMEs manufactureras de hule y plástico de México.

Beatriz Amado, Fabiola Wences, Verónica Sánchez, Martha Luna, Marco Amado

  • The purpose of this article is to describe the design process, validation and reliability of an instrument to measure the degree of association between the variables and collaborative innovation processes in SMEs manufacturing rubber and plastic Mexico, to achieve this purpose, conducted a review of the literature related to the subject, based on this, the instrument, which was validated by fifty SMEs manufacturing of Mexico, which were randomly selected was developed, these evaluated each of the items of the instrument, based on the results obtained the instrument, in conclusion, broadly redesign the instrument to measure the degree of association between innovation and collaborative processes of manufacturing SMEs in rubber and plastic Mexico developed and valid.

Fundación Dialnet

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