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Resumen de Análisis numérico-experimental del comportamiento mecánico de tutores producidos con PET.

Rodolfo Ponce, Víctor Santana, Armando Vázquez, Alfonso Toledo, Arturo Flores

  • This work details the analysis of the mechanical behaviour of tutors produced with PET (modified polyethylene), in a plastic inyection machine located at the Technological University of the Northern Region of Guerrero. Instead of traditional wood sticks, plastic tutors are employeed in crops of tomatoes.

    Specifically, tensile and bending loads were applied to a tutor in a universal testing machine, to determine its mechanical properties such as yielding stress and elasticity modulus (Young modulus). On the other hand, numerical simulations were carried out by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) using ANSYS Workbench® software, in order to know deeply the tutor�s mechanical behaviour in load conditions.

Fundación Dialnet

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