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Resumen de Arquitectura de aplicaciones para una mediana empresa de manufactura utilizando software de libre acceso.

Alicia Valdez, Sergio Castañeda, Samuel Hernández, Laura Vázquez, Orlando Arzola

  • Small and Medium Entrprises requires new tecnologies and methods of work organization that allow them to improve their productive and competitive capacities.

    The Enterprise Architecture is a methodology that define architectures for the use of the information in support the business strategy, looking for strategic alignment between information technology and business processes. A partial architectures that compose it, is the Application Architecture, which aims to define the best kinds of applications needed for data management and business processes, considering the strategic use of information and technology for the competitive advantage of the company. This research project was designed and implemented an application architecture in a medium-sized manufacturing company using open free software, resulting in the identification of strategic areas of opportunity for this architecture, and the development of a basic web page to start e-commerce activities, achieving 10% increase in sales of the company, thus helping to increase productivity and competitiveness.

Fundación Dialnet

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