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Resumen de Análisis estructural de andadera para niños con discapacidad motriz.

Reynaldo Ledesma, Emanuel Moreno, Miguel Ferrer

  • This paper deals with the structural analysis of the main frame of a walker for children with motor disabilities. Currently the design is already in the validation phase with the built prototype, although high and permanent deformation tests were detected within the linear range of critical components of the structure. As requires precise study to ensure that the prototype is safe for use by children under 12 years of age.

    This work aims to implement the Finite Element Method (FEM ) using ANSYS software, based on a model previously made fact to determine whether it is feasible for use and implementation.

    The principal stresses, displacements and safety factor were determined, checking to fatigue that are within allowable values for configurations and materials used. It is concluded that the proposed modifications the design is safe.

Fundación Dialnet

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