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Resumen de Captación, almacenamiento y distribución de agua pluvial en las instalaciones del ITSSNP.

Sergio Hernández, Rafael Garrido, José Hernández

  • Zacatlán city is facing a lack of drinking water because the water consumed is supplied by aquifers located around the city, these garments have been affected by extractive mines. They are located near them causing soil erosion, landslides and diverted water, lack of culture of the population towards the care of the water caused excessive spending of this, on the other hand we have the lack of interest of the municipality to provide resources necessary for the maintenance of water facilities. The increased demand and decreased supply systems (aquifers), leakage and pollution have made it more frequent water shortages in some parts of the city. The development of this project is a response to strengthen the collection and use of rainwater not only in the ITSSNP but throughout Zacatlán city as part of a sustainable and comprehensive solution to the water problem in the basin.

Fundación Dialnet

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