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Resumen de Il contratto per la 'Presentazione della Vergine al tempio' di Giovanni de' Vecchi a Sansepolcro

Lothar Sickel

  • This article publishes and analyzes the contract for te altarpiece painted by Giovanni de' Vecchi for the chapel of the Presentation of the Virgin in the church of Santa Maria dei Servi in Sansepolcro, now housed in the Museo Civico there. Accoding to the contract, drawn up in Rome on 15 December 1582, the painting was commissioned by the priest Filippo Farsetti, at that time rector of Santa Maria in Monticelli and (like the painter) a native of Sansepolcro. Various records of payment attached to the document reveal that the altarpiece was completed before 27 September 1583. This new data provides conclusive evidence regarding the genesis of one of the Tuscan painter's principal works and casts light on his links with some of his fellow-countrymen.

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