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Resumen de Géopolitique des peremiers readymades

Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel

  • The geopolitics of the first readymades.

    "Roue de Bicyclette, Pharmacie and Porte-bouteilles" from 1913 to 1914, were Marcel Duchamp's first three readymades. Although the term came later, the works were fundamental to his new esthetic. In light of the artist's scientific and cartographic project as expressed in his notebooks at this time, it is likely that these works were offered in contrast to the imaginary geography, the position in the media and scientific pretensions of a prominent painter of the European avant-garde: Robert Delaunay. Duchamp, much less established than his colleague between Paris, Munich, Berlin and New York, developed his project of pictorial nominalism in isolation. It is possible that Duchamp was jealous. But, much more can be perceived in his action: a plastic, visual, gestural, and spatial meditation, as well as a philosophical and geopolitical reflection on the array of European avant-gardes around 1914.

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