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Resumen de Sentido de vida y construcción del proyecto de vida profesional en jóvenes universitarios.

Nora Verónica Druet Domínguez, Gladis Chan, Israel Cisneros, Dora Esperanza Sevilla Santo

  • The present study had as purpose to report the results from a logotherapeutic workshop aimed to strengthen the sense of life from a group of university students doing the degree in chemical pharmaceutical biologist at a higher education institution. The workshop intended to develop the participant�s personal resources and identify the goals they have and the relation with the construction of their professional life project. The meaning of life (PIL) test was used in a quasi-experimental design, pretest-posttest, without a control group. This means that one test was given before and one after the workshop. The workshop lasted 27 hours and was attended by 33 second semester students. The areas of uniqueness, freedom, responsibility, values and self-transcendence were worked. Logotherapeutic techniques were used in order to make the participants conscious of their personal resources to find what gives a meaning to their lives. The results found in the pre-test and post-tests showed significant differences in the level of participants consciousness of life, indicating that the intervention group through logotherapy favored strengthening their sense of life, allowing the establishment of career goals and build their professional project.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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