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Resumen de Efectos del mercurio en el organismo por el uso de la amalgama dental.

Carolina Bernal, Guadalupe Capetillo, Clara Parra, Evelyn Torres, Miguel Díaz

  • For more than a century mercury is used in dental practice for their ability to bind metals (amalgam) due to their low cost without taking into account that people are harming their health due to toxicity containing mercury . This investigation sought to study the impact of mercury amalgam in the body of the individual because of the time and the number of seals taken into the oral cavity. This toxicity causes conditions in the central, kidney problems, lung, multiple sclerosis, depression, allergies, Parkinson nervous system, among others. The type of study conducted descriptive, analytical, and retrospective that we mentioned the impact of mercury amalgam in the body using data that has been done in the past.

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