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Resumen de Experimentando con estrategias para la satisfacción de trabajadores y los efectos en su calidad de vida en Mipymes turísticas.

Luis Argüelles, Román Quijano, José Sahuí, Mario Fajardo

  • The satisfaction for the work translated into the like or dislike of the worker in your production environment impacts on the business achievements, this experimental and correlational research is the second phase of project of Argüelles et al. (2013), in which having obtained a valid and reliable predictive model to determine it and manipulate it, and in which areas of dissatisfaction were observed is done experimenting with strategies that level business are designed to fold them, applying 50 workers from Campeche tourism mipymes that make up the universe to explore. It explains to what extent these actions changed the perception of the employee with their quality of working life. To perform this analysis, a correlation model is built to see the influence of all the elements that integrate the satisfaction with the quality. The result throws that designed and implemented strategies changed the perception of the quality of life of the worker in a positive way; the predictive model is reliable, that checks the effect using the Student T statistical test, accepting the hypothesis that such strategies impact favorably on the perception of the worker, what will improve organizational competitiveness.

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