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Resumen de Development and Implementation of a Two-Semester Introductory Organic-Bioorganic Chemistry Sequence: Conclusions from the First Six Years

Brian C. Goess

  • A two-semester second-year introductory organic chemistry sequence featuring one semester of accelerated organic chemistry followed by one semester of bioorganic chemistry is described. Assessment data collected over a six-year period reveal that such a course sequence can facilitate student mastery of fundamental organic chemistry in the first organic course, which is then reinforced during a second semester that is centered around the organic chemistry of biological molecules. Furthermore, student responses to the enhanced biological content of the bioorganic chemistry course have been almost universally positive, and selected data and student comments from course evaluations are presented.

    Finally, key sections of the revised Competency Areas on which the new Medical College Admissions Test will be based are analyzed, indicating that such a revised organic chemistry sequence will likely be particularly beneficial to students hoping to enter health-related fields.

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