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Resumen de Rasgos tectónicos y deformación de las cuencas terciarias de O Barco de Valdeorras, Quiroga y El Bierzo (Noroeste del Macizo Ibérico)

Fidel Martín González

  • Some Tertiary continental basins are located in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula, over the variscan basement of the Iberian Massif. The tectonic interpretation of the Tertiary basins has been very controversial. The aim of this work has been to identify and map the structures that bound some of these basins and to recognise the deformations in the Tertiary deposits. The Bierzo, Barco de Valdeorras and Quiroga basins are bounded and deformed by northward and southward dipping thrusts, generating pop-down structures, where the Tertiary deposits are preserved.

Fundación Dialnet

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