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Resumen de A Portuguese New Christian in his father's footsteps. Manuel Fernandes da Fonseca in Rome (ca. 1556-1625)

James W. Nelson Novoa

  • español

    El artículo presenta el caso de manuel fernandes da fonseca, un mercader y ban- quero cristiano nuevo y sus estrategias para conseguir capital social en roma a finales del si- glo dieciséis y comienzos del diecisiete. en la ciudad continuó el trabajo de su padre, antó- nio da fonseca (1515-1588), quien mantuvo vínculos importantes tanto con la comunidad portuguesa y española y sus iglesias nacionales. al mismo tiempo mantuvo lazos profesiona- les sólidos con portugal que fueron la principal fuente de sus negocios en roma. el mundo de antónio era esencialmente un mundo ibérico en roma e hizo todo lo posible para cultivar la imagen de un representante de portugal astuto y exitoso incluso después de que el país se encontraba sometida a la corona de los habsburgos en 1580. manuel mantuvo aquellos lazos ibéricos pero las superó, permitiendo que él y sus hijos se adentrasen en la sociedad romana de manera duradera a través de la compra de un importante palacio en el centro de roma y matrimonios de sus hijos con italianos.

  • English

    the article presents the case of manuel fernandes da fonseca, a portuguese New christian merchant-banker and his strategies for acquiring social capital in rome at the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. In the city he continued the work of his father, antónio da fonseca (1515-1588) who maintained important ties with both the portuguese and Spanish communities and their respective national churches.

    at the same time preserved solid professional links with portugal which were the principle source for his business in rome. antónio’s was essentially an Iberian world in rome and he did all he could to cultivate the image of an astute and accomplished representative of the portuguese nation even as it became subject to the habsburg crown in 1580. manuel maintained those Iberian ties and worked with them but surpassed them, allowing himself and his children to make lasting inroads into roman Society through the purchase of a prominent palace in the centre of rome and intermarriage with Italians on the part of his children.

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