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Resumen de Minimal sets determining the topological centre of the algebra LUC (G)*

Stefano Ferri, Matthias Neufang, Jan Pachl

  • The study of the Banach algebra LUC(G) * associated to a topological group G has been of interest in abstract harmonic analysis. In particular, several authors have studied the topological centre ?(LUC(G) * ) of this algebra, which is defined as the set of elements µ?LUC(G) * such that left multiplication by µ is w * -w * -continuous. In recent years, several works have appeared in which it is shown that for a locally compact group G it is sufficient to test the continuity of the left translation by µ at just one specific point in order to determine whether µ?LUC(G) * belongs to ?(LUC(G) * ) . In this work, we extend some of these results to a much larger class of groups which includes many non-locally compact groups as well as all the locally compact ones. This answers a question raised by Dales [Review of S. Ferri and M. Neufang, �On the topological centre of the algebra LUC(G) * for general topological groups�, J. Funct. Anal. 144 (2007) 154�171. Amer. Math. Soc. MathSciNet Mathematical Reviews, 2007]. We also obtain a corollary about the topological centre of any subsemigroup of LUC(G) * containing the uniform compactification G LUC of G . In particular, we shall prove that there are sets of just one point determining the topological centre of the uniform compactification G LUC itself

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