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Resumen de Le domaine vitivinicole en France et en Espagne: similitudes et variabilité conceptuelles

Miguel Ibáñez Rodríguez

  • The wine domains in French and in Spanish are very similar. The conceptual networks in the two languages seems identical. However, there are some differences. The goal of this work was to study the conceptual variability between domains in order to analyze the terminological and translational implications, as to avoid erroneous equivalences. We therefore aimed at studying the variability of concepts, objects and working communities. The main concepts organizing the two domains have been determined, their organisation has been studied, and a contrastive analysis of entities and activities has been performed.

    Plan de l'article

    1. Introduction
    2. Le domaine vitivinicole : organisation et maturité conceptuelle
    3. Variabilité conceptuelle et variabilité des objets
    4. Variabilité des communautés de travail de différents pays
    5. Conclusion

Fundación Dialnet

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