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Resumen de The concession of parana highways: a public service from the point of view of profit

Rejane Karam, Walter Tadahiro Shima

  • English

    The article discuss the process of concession of roads in Parana confronting with the economic theories and with the inconsistence of the process of implementation and managerment. The hypotesis of the paper is the capture of theregulatory apparatus by the private sector since the planing process was developed.. The theory of Regulation and Capture is used in order to analyse the lack of regulatory mandate forthe process.This article analyses the process of road concession in Paraná by confronting this process with the economic theories as well as with the inconsistency of implementation and management that guide it. The main hypothesis of the paper is that the capture of the traditional regulatory apparatus was made by the private sector, which was involved in the program of road concession since the planning stage. The theories of regulation and capture were vey useful for proving the absolute lack of a regulatory framework for that process.

  • português

    O artigo discute o processo de concessão de rodovias ocorrido no Paraná, confrontando-o com as teorias econômicas e com asinconsistências de implementação e gestão que o norteiam. Defende-se a hipótese de captura do aparato regulatório tradicional pelo setor privado, que, desde o planejamento, esteveenvolvido na estruturação do Programa de Concessão de Rodovias do Paraná. As Teorias da Regulação e da Captura servem como um referencial importante na constatação deausência total de um marco regulatório para o processo.

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