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Resumen de The use of metaphorical compounds on the web: corpus construction and preliminary analysis

Nelya Koteyko

  • The paper discusses how ad hoc corpora compiled with the help of Altavista search engine can be employed to study the coinage and use of novel compounds headed by the noun "carbon" on the internet. We compiled a corpus from Altavista abstracts and URLs to explore the role of some of these "carbon compounds" as framing devices in different online discourses dealing with issues of climate change mitigation. By combining a quantitative diachronic analysis of their occurrences with a qualitative analysis of the contexts in which the compounds were used, we identify three clusters of compounds focused on finance, lifestyle, and attitudes and outline their different communicative functions. This approach may open up new ways for a web based diachronic study of novel word combinations and analysis of the social and cultural implications of their use.

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