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Resumen de The determinants of school dropout: an analysis from the students' perspective

Francesc Oliver Rullan, Joan Rosselló Villalonga

  • In this paper we study the determinants of school d ropout after compulsory secondary education. We explore how students� perceptions and preferences (subjective variables) affect students� decisions. We analyze data collected dire ctly from students when they had to take a decision concerning their education in their last y ear of compulsory education (at the age of 16).

    Our results confirm those obtained by other authors in Spain, that is, family background and labor market conditions affect students� decisions.

    However, we go one step further and we show that students� inter-temporal preferences as w ell as the quality of the information received by students, regarding their alternatives after com pleting compulsory education, explain students� decisions. Additionally, we find signific ant differences among students depending on the type of school they attend (public versus private schools)

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