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Resumen de Guanajuato Puerto Interior: Punto clave para las MIPYMES del sector agroindustrial del estado de Guanajuato en su logística orientada al comercio exterior

Nélida Carmona, Leticia Almanza, Alejandro Ramírez, Héctor Cuevas Vargas

  • With the opening of Guanajuato port internal (GPI) from 2006 which began operations, enterprises micro, small and medium-sized (SMEs) readily that have foreign trade operations were involved directly, however, it is unknown the impact that has had on these, both economically and socially. This research addresses SMEs of a considerable number in the State of Guanajuato as the agro-industrial, who are mostly unaware of services offered by GPI, as they have the belief that this model was designed only for the use of large companies; Why was carried out a survey among companies in this sector to know the methodology carried out its international logistics, including the use of services that offer GPI, and confirm or reject the assumptions of ignorance and not use the GPI in this sector.

    Through the application of a questionnaire to the Department of foreign trade at the surveyed companies, was obtained information base for a second stage, can propose a methodology that will contribute to the improvement of the procedure of logistics export agro-industrial enterprises, which include the use of GPI, thereby generating a social and economic growth in the State. Thrown the research results say that yes the logistics of import and export procedures are defined and that Yes, they know the GPI company, however they do not use the services of this operations foreign trade, primarily by lack of dissemination of the same for this sector, mainly focus on other sectors.

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