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Resumen de Detección y valoración de conductas de fair play en el fútbol alevín gaditano

Javier Lamoneda Prieto, Ángel Ventura García Preciado, Luis Gonzalo Córdoba Caro, Manuel Vizuete Carrizosa

  • español

    Objetivo: analizar las conductas deportivas y antideportivas de jugadores de fútbol de categoría alevín (10-12 años de edad) y las sanciones de éstos y sus entrenadores. Metodología: se han observado a treinta equipos en quince partidos (1050 minutos). Se ha utilizado una herramienta observacional y el análisis de documentos. Resultados: los resultados revelan interesantes consideraciones a tener presente en el fútbol base: primera, los entrenadores son el colectivo que más sanciones recibe; segunda, la mayoría de las conductas pro deportivas se producen antes de iniciar el partido con el saludo inicial, mientras que durante el juego el número es muy reducido;  tercera, tan solo la mitad de los equipos se despiden del oponente al finalizar el encuentro; cuarta, los jugadores no suelen reaccionar deportivamente al realizar una falta; y quinta, las principales conductas antideportivas se vinculan con el árbitro, al protestarle o tratar de engañarle. Implicaciones: el deporte en edad escolar ha de aproximarse al deporte educativo, los entrenadores ser un buenos modelos para sus jugadores y los futbolistas manifestar actuaciones prodeportivas como: “levantar la mano” –para reconocer la falta- o “dar la mano” -para disculparse, ayudar al jugador lesionado, reconocer la victoria o ser cortes con el perdedor-. AbstractObjective: To analyse sportsmanlike and unsportsmanlike conduct of football players in juvenile category (aged from 10-12), as well as sanctioning of players and their trainers. Methodology: Observation of thirty teams during fifteen football games (1050 minutes) has been conducted. Tools used in process of research were observation and study of documents.Results: Results reveal some interesting considerations to have in mind in Grassroots Football: (1) the trainers are the group that is sanctioned most frequently, (2) majority of sportsmanlike behaviour, such as initial greeting occurs before starting the game, while during the game it is not as recurrent, (3) only half of the teams says goodbye to their opponents after the match, (4) players usually do not react sportsmanlike when they commit a foul and (5) major unsportsmanlike conduct is linked to the referees, either due to protesting to their ruling or by trying to deceive them.Implications: Sports at young age should be educational, trainers should be good role models to their players and football player should exhibit sportsmanship. Mentioned can be displayed by raising their hand to acknowledge their foul or offering their hand in order to apologize, help the injured player, accept victory praise or be courteous to the defeated player.Keywords: behavior, fair play, football, juvenile category.

  • English

    Objective: To analyse sportsmanlike and unsportsmanlike conduct of football players in juvenile category (aged from 10-12), as well as sanctioning of players and their trainers. Methodology: Observation of thirty teams during fifteen football games (1050 minutes) has been conducted. Tools used in process of research were observation and study of documents.Results: Results reveal some interesting considerations to have in mind in Grassroots Football: (1) the trainers are the group that is sanctioned most frequently, (2) majority of sportsmanlike behaviour, such as initial greeting occurs before starting the game, while during the game it is not as recurrent, (3) only half of the teams says goodbye to their opponents after the match, (4) players usually do not react sportsmanlike when they commit a foul and (5) major unsportsmanlike conduct is linked to the referees, either due to protesting to their ruling or by trying to deceive them.Implications: Sports at young age should be educational, trainers should be good role models to their players and football player should exhibit sportsmanship. Mentioned can be displayed by raising their hand to acknowledge their foul or offering their hand in order to apologize, help the injured player, accept victory praise or be courteous to the defeated player.

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