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Resumen de Proyecto 3d + Realidad aumentada

Victor Virgilio, Julia Padilla, Salustino Jimenez, Mario Martin

  • In recent years augmented reality has evolved from an emerging technology to be one of the trends in interactive design more attractive today. Artists, designers and a lot of people with little programming experience can create their applications using various tools like Processing, Blender, Arduino, Flash and many others. (Mullen, 2012) This technology is already in many areas such as the reconstruction of the historical, the training of operators of industrial processes, marketing, interior design, museum guides and of course academia.

    (Rogo25, 2011) In this paper, augmented reality played an important role in the field of 3D animation at the Technological University of the Usumacinta and achievement that facilitate understanding of complex phenomena, allowing visualization of the environment and the objects from different angles, more comprehensive, rich, detailed and complemented by added digital data through the use of AR Media plugin in Google SketchUp software.

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