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Resumen de Prototipo itinerante de un sistema fotovoltaico para casa habitación, aislada de la red

Rufino Chávez, Rufino García, Marco Olivo, Juan Rodríguez

  • When we think of solar energy, are two manifestations of light and heat, are easily recognized. Both play a vital role in the life of our planet. The sunlight makes possible the process of photosynthesis, without which the plant and animal kingdoms disappear, climate controlled heat and evaporates the waters of the sea, which, free from salt content, are returned to the earth as rain. Humans, animals and plants owe their existence to this simple mechanism purification. Solar radiation can be converted directly into electrical energy.

    This phenomenon is called the photovoltaic effect. A mid-nineteenth century (1839) French physicist Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect (PV). Several physicists as Willbughby Smith (1837) and Lenard (1900) verify their existence under various conditions. Einstein (1905) provides the theoretical basis of the phenomenon, winning the Nobel Prize in Physics. Millikan (1920), an American physicist, confirms Einstein's theory.

    However, the practical application of the energy conservation did not begin until 1954, when they need a source of electrical energy that may power the circuitry space satellites, without resorting to the use of fuel and long life duration. (S. R. Wenham, 2007).

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