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Resumen de El malecu: Una cultura en peligro de extinción

Elvia Espinoza Romero, Noemy Mejía Marín, Sandra Ovares Barquero

  • español

    El presente artículo versa sobre una de las lenguas indígenas de Costa Rica, el malecu. Esta lengua es una de las que aún se mantienen vivas en el país; no obstante, la comunidad lingüística que la practica, compuesta por menos de 400 personas, tiende a reducirse aceleradamente. Existe un alto riesgo de que en el futuro próximo dicha lengua llegue a desaparecer. El artículo surge como producto de un proyecto de investigación que se plantea la construcción e implementación de estrategias de aprendizaje, que incorporen las costumbres, tradiciones y lengua autóctona de los indígenas malecu; todo esto en el ámbito escolar, para fortalecer la identidad y la cultura de esta población indígena costarricense.

  • English

    This paper is about the Maleku, one of the indigenous languages that is still alive in the country; though the linguistic community that uses it, composed of less than 400 people, tends to reduce rapidly. There is a high risk that in the near future this language will disappear. This paper is the result of a research project that proposes the construction and implementation of learning strategies that would help to include the customs, traditions and the native language of the Malekus in the schools, to strengthen the identity and culture of this Costa Rican indigenous population.The research project includes a brief overview of the history and problems of the indigenous Maleku population, and an analysis on the importance of the language and oral expression. It also makes a review of how the indigenous languages in Costa Rican schools are currently taught. It later includes a diagnosis of the current situation of language from the perspective of different members of the Maleku community. This diagnosis is based on the research conducted and it will facilitate focusing on the integration of the Maleku and rural curriculums. Finally, there are some reflections about the bilingual intercultural education.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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