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Resumen de Las universidades tecnológicas en México como detonador de polos de desarrollo

José De Ita, María De la Llave, Víctor Merino

  • This paper aims to present the reader an overview of the "Technological University", a Mexican model of higher education that has served as a trigger of development zones in the country , as well as an outline of the main challenges facing , successful ways to solve them and the results obtained so far.

    The study method followed in the first section corresponds to documentary research mainly emphasizes those aspects relevant to curriculum development needs of the country, high levels of educational quality and strong bonding business school as three of its five main attributes, the second part of the study is carried out through case studies analyzing the experience and best practices for Universities of this model that are considered national benchmark for all Mexican higher education. Finally suggestions are presented to potentiate the benefits of this educational model so all Technological Universities in Mexico contribute to the detonation of regional development centers, state and national impact.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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