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Resumen de The Memory of Prince Henry the Navigator: Genesis Formation and Classification of a Monumental Collection of Documents - the Monumenta Henricina

Judite A. Gonçalves de Freitas

  • The subject of this paper is to make an approach to the context of construction of the memory of the Prince Henri, known a s the Navigator, by the publication of the most important anthology of me dieval documents to celebrate the centenary of his death in the sixties of the twentieth century.

    Under the strong influence of the traditional historiograph y as it developed during the ninetieth century - the Monumenta Henricina , with fourteen volumes- , originally included official documents produced by g overnment, kings and Pope as well as merchants and traders, such as royal charters bu t also correspondence. The first part, reflect the context of prep aring the collection of documents and unveiling the ideological intention s of the project. In the second part, classify the types of acts diplomatically h ighlighting the importance of each in the documentary corpus.

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