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Resumen de Anticuerpos monoclonales: Nuevos agentes terapéuticos

Susana Clemente Bautista, J.C. Juárez Jiménez, M. J. Cabañas Poy

  • Within the last few years, it has taken place the expansion of new pharmacological therapy based on monoclonal antibodies (MAB) with an important role in the treatment of infections, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases, as well as cancer and transplants. The structure of these MAB has been perfected step by step since the first murine MAB, through the chimeric and humanized, until arriving to what in a future shah be the totally humanized MAB. With this evolution in mind it is intended to minimize the adverse reactions produced after the entrance of a foreign substance into the organism. In this present work, it lakes place a revision of the distinct MAB utilized in our medium: infliximab, basiliximab, daclizumab, rituximab, trastuzumab, abciximab and palivizumab, h is also revised their pharmacokinetic action mechanism, their adverse effects and their most important published clinical trials

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