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Resumen de Potere e dignità della persona

Bruno Montanari

  • italiano

    1. Premessa. - 2. Potere, tecnologia e "morte di Dio". - 3. L'osservanza come condizione del potere. - 4. Finitudine e parità. - 5. Uguaglianza - disuguaglianza - parità. - 6. Don Giovanni.

  • English

    The power's history has always coincided with the offence f the human dignity, especially tbrough the humiliation of subjects' body. However, in the "modern" age, the Justificatton of power. by political social consensus, c!aims the principie of "human" respect". On tbe contrary, in the present age of globalization,power is pure effectiveness based on the impact without borders of the techno-science that submits and directly manipulates the human body. So power offends the "human dignity" but also it shows more c!early an internal contradiction related to the anthropological and existential structure. This is the question: on the one hand, power makes always inequality among people but on the other hand, the human dignlty coincides with the ontological parity of the human beings. Hence power goes into an existential contradiction between at his vocation to the absolute and the structural human "finitude" The dramaticstory of don Giovanni makes explicit the contradiction between power and human structure.

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