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Resumen de Simultaneous capture of several Common Crossbills with whitish wing-bars

Antoni Borrás, Toni Cabrera, Josep Cabrera, Juan Carlos Senar

  • Jhe whitish win"a- bar sornetirnes found in sorne Comrnon Crossbills loxia curvirostra has been interpreted as an atovic character inherited from the two-barred Crossbill Loxia leucoptero. From 1987 to 1992 we found 10 individuals showing a whitish wing-bar from a total of 927 birds tropped. All the individuals with wing-bor were captured in 1988, in only of the seven trapping sessions, and several of the birds were even trapped together in the same mistnet. The character was not related to sex, nor to age. The more or less simultaneous oppearance of wing-barred birds suggests thot these individuols could be closely related, and thot the character con be inherited

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