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Resumen de As migracións italianas e españolas a Arxentina no marco das

Fernando J. Devoto

  • English

    The present article offers a critical vision of the principal schools of thought on the theories and explanations for the causes of the migratory flows of Spaniards and Italians to Argentina in the 19th and 20th centuries. It deals with the problem of sources when attempting to calculate the number of transoceanic migrations, with the aim of elucidating their impact on the countries of origin, as well as those of destination. Additionally, it looks at the explanatory potential of macro- and micro-analysis approaches applied to the causal sequences that characterise the phenomenon of migration, revealing the possibilities and limitations of each of them and illustrating them with specific examples.

  • galego

    O artigo ofrece unha visión crítica das principais correntes teórico-explicativas sobre as causas dos fluxos migratorios de españois e italianos cara a Arxentina nos séculos xix e xx. Abórdase tamén a problemática das fontes á hora de calcular as estimacións das migracións transoceánicas co fin de dilucidar o impacto destas tanto nos países de orixe como nos de destino. Amais, pódense contemplar as posibilidades explicativas dos enfoques de macro e microanálise das secuencias causais características do fenómeno migratorio, dando a coñecer as posibilidades e limitacións de cada un deles e ilustrándoos con exemplos concretos

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