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Resumen de Contenido en plata de las mineralizaciones de plomo-zinc de la región del Valle de Alcudia (Ciudad Real). Implicaciones en la génesis de yacimientos hidrotermales de metales base

Fernando J. Palero Fernández, Agustín Martín Izard

  • In the Alcudia Valley region (Central-south of Spain), 5 differents types of Pb-Zn ores can be found. The most important of them is the 4 type, wich is made up by veins hosted in open fractures afecting the Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary sequences. The ore was formed during 3 main and 2 latter suscessives atapes. Ag content in ores of fourth types show a clear regional pattern, showing a preferntial distribution according with corridors where Ag conten increase towards residual thermal focus related with Hercinian granitics rocks.

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