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Resumen de Distribución geoquímica y mineralógica del U en el grantio peralumínico de Alburquerque, Cáceres (España)

Rosa María Reguilón Bragado, Alfonso Arribas Herrera, Agustín Martín Izard

  • A study has been carried out on the content and geochemical distrubibution of U in the alkaline and peraluminous granite of Alburquerque. Cáceres, (Spain) and of the primary minerals rich in this element. Of the there petrographic facies distinghed in the study, facies I and facies II are seen to contain the highest mean amounts of uranium. Regarding the mineral phases, uranium is found in uranitita and monacita and also in the intergranular spaces, as demostred by autoradiographic studies.

Fundación Dialnet

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